fish selection help


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2003
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im gonna buy a few fish for my new tank. its fully cycled and has 10 guppys living in it but i want a bit more of a selection so i think im gonna buy 2 angle fish and 3 or 4 gouramis. is there anything i should know about these fish before i buy them. i dont 3want them killing each other or my guppys. So anything you feel i might need to know please just put it down :) btw is there a male to female ratio for angels and gouramis like there is for guppys
Hi SpEeDhOrN :)

How big is your tank? :unsure:

As a general rule, it's best to get either angels or gouramis. not both. The angel fish often tend to get aggressive toward the gouramis.

As for the gouramis, you would only want one male for each female, or get more females than males.

If you have room for more fish, why not look at some of the cory cats that are available. They are bottom dwellers and will add interest to that level of the tank. Since they are schooling fish, however, you should get 3 or more of them. :D
Ditto Inchworm. All the same, it's nice that you want to know before you get them. :D What about corys, activity near the bottom of the tank would be great!


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