Fish seems a little un-balanced


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kent, England
I have 6 zebra danio's but one seems a little off balance. He seems very active (no more active than the other fish) and shouls with the fish and eats very well. But when he is swimming about he seems to flop to one side.

He has always seem to be less steady than the other five but I never noticed it at the LFS. He doesn't seem to have any other simptoms of disease like dropsy etc and the other fish don't appear to be attacking him.

Is he ill or just poorly (disabled) fish that I got from the LFS.

This could be the start of a swim bladder problem
you'll need to treat the whole aquarium with some medication
for this. it is available at any LFS

I hope he gets better!
Thanks fro the reply danio2004. What causes swim bladder? and will the other fish all be infected?

Also I thought with swim bladder that the fish tend to sit on the bottom of the tank because they can't get to the top. He is always at the top of the tank!

I would rather not start adding medicine as I thought that killed the friendly bacteria in the filter, and as it's is a newly started tank would be a big problem.

Where abouts in Kent are you, and could you recomend a good LFS (PM me the LFS answer)


Swim bladder can be bacterial or from damage or genetic and notoriously hard to treat.

Can you isolate and treat so as not dosing the whole tank?

What are your water parameters like?

www :)
Thanks for the reply wetwetwet.

I don't think it's bacterial becaues all the other fish that I bought at the same time would be affected (i think). It's probably the latter as these have been used to cycle the tank.

I can't really isolate as I only have one cycled (almost) tank.

The water is 0 amonia, 0.5 Nitite (falling now) and 20ppm nitrate, PH 7.9 and very hard water.

crookedfish said:
Thanks fro the reply danio2004.  What causes swim bladder?  and will the other fish all be infected?

Also I thought with swim bladder that the fish tend to sit on the bottom of the tank because they can't get to the top.  He is always at the top of the tank!

I would rather not start adding medicine as I thought that killed the friendly bacteria in the filter, and as it's is a newly started tank would be a big problem.

Where abouts in Kent are you, and could you recomend a good LFS (PM me the LFS answer)


swim bladder problems can cause the fish to sit on the bottom or the top
It depends on how the bladder is affected too much air or too little

Interpet swimbladder treatment say on the box not harmful to filters
I will pop to my LFS today and see if I can get that treatment that you mentioned danio2004.



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