I've noticed that my Blue Acara would sometimes scrape his gills through the dec and gravel, He doesn't do it a lot maybe i'll see him do it once a day and it's been going on for 1 and half weeks now. There are no spots visible, so from my previous experience with ICH there should be a breakout by now also not all my fish is doing this except for the gold severum which I only saw him scrape once and never again. However my pleco seems to be acting strange he is somewhat really active even the day, he spends most of his time swimming up and down the glass near my filter. My tank is fairly new(6 weeks) and was currently cycled untill I add the cichlids which kinda screw up my parameters bumping my Nitrites up to 0.1 again. What should i do about the scraping i really don't wanna use med as it might affect my beneficial bacteria and even harm most of my fish...