SURE I COULD!! ^.^ And yes the nitrogen cycle is an idea..but i was thinking maybe something along the lines of fish activity..I dunno I'm just looking for ideas right now.
Okay so lemme give all of you who are lucky enough to not have science fair an idea of what it is. Science fair is a large, required project that takes about 2 months or so to do. Your science teacher starts telling you all the headsup about it in January or Febuary and you have to basically make you own science experiment.
I'll use my project last year as an example. I did "The Egg In the Milkbottle: Does the size of the bottle affect how long it will take the egg to get sucked into the bottle when creating a vacuum by a lit candle in the bottle". The candle creates a vacuum by sucking up all the oxygen in the bottle therefore pulling in the egg.
Every student has to first find 25 facts on their topic, then actually create the a write up of you problem, hypothesis, materials, data table, etc.. Your experiment has to be comparing something and have different variables..which were the bottles in my experiment last year.
Once you have gotten your facts, written up your lab sheet and actually performed your experiment you have to create a display board of your results and pictures or illustrations relating to what you were investigating.
AND THEN!! You present it to your science class. Once your whole class has presented your teacher picks a few students to go to the school science fair where you compete against other kids in your grade and other grades. If your experiment was good enough to make it past there then you go to county and then if your really good you go to state and then you go against the whole U.S.A. but its very rare to have someone from my state (Maryland) go to the competiton that takes place for the whole country my eyes atleast
But I am not interested in winning, I'm just interested in getting it done
I hope that explained it well ^^"". If you have any other questions just ask