Fish rumours


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales, UK (not australia)
I've heard about what some guys do to fish, rumours. To be honest it is disgusting if it is true.

1) if you pull a fish backwards in a tank by it's tail it will drown.

2) If you add baking soda to the water it will make them explode.

3) If you put fish into lemonade or any other fizzy drink they will explode.

Hope these rumours aren't true. :/
I wouldn't no never try it and wouldn't even dream of trying it even if i had to put a fish down, there are some sick people out there.
baking soda is used as a pH buffer by many cichlids owners...i believe that is untrue unless they mean like HUGE concentrations of baking soda
I know sharks would drown if they werepulled backwards because they have to keep moving forwards but i've never heard that with normal fish.
What kind of stupid...

Never mind. Most tropical fish can swim backwards, so I hardly think it's going to kill them. Bicarb is used to increase KH - I use it every water change. I don't know about the last one but bearing in mind the additives and chemicals and total lack of oxygen in a fizzy drink they'd die of something.
pcam86 said:
I know sharks would drown if they werepulled backwards because they have to keep moving forwards but i've never heard that with normal fish.
If you go deep sea fishing and let a shark loose you kinda swish them forward and back to get them to breath and swim away. I believe you do it with many fish when you let them go.
I thought I had heard that you could but some Alkaseltzer into a glass of water if you wanted to "put down" a fish.
I expect doing that would be the same as taking them out of the water and letting them suffocate. Hardly euthanasia...
smb7676 said:
If you go deep sea fishing and let a shark loose you kinda swish them forward and back to get them to breath and swim away. I believe you do it with many fish when you let them go.
I agree (don't know about sharks - never been deep sea fishing). I used to fish a lot several years ago and I have done that with fish that were totally exhausted after I caught them.
if a fish is continuisly pulled backwards, it can't move its gills in and out wich pump the oxygen through the body. so therefore if you would pull it backwards for longer than any fisherman would, then it would drown.

p.s. that is very cruel.
I had a good sized bristlenose die this way, it swam in the intake tube on my filter (it no cover at the time) and died as the only water was passing backwards over its gills at a good rate

i dont see how any fish can explode from any substance. it can explode if you leave it outside in the sun for a while after it dies though. fishermen dont really pull it backwards. the fish turns around and tries to swim away. im pretty sure that fish can still breate backwards because i dont see how a hemogoblin cant bind the oxygen of oxygen is next to it.
The baking soda thing is used for euthanasia in some petstore. I personally don't agree with it at all. I'm not sure about the chemistry involved - but apparently adding a lot of baking soda to a small amount of water takes the oxygen out of it effectively suffocating the fish. The freezer method seems much gentler.
Those rumours are sick. And how would anyone come up with them? Some unlucky fish probably played the test subject... :unsure:

It's good you're thinking about the fishs' comfort, Javentule, but the feezing method still causes stress and pain... for humane methods of euthanasia, chack out this article:

Tropical Fish Forums: Euthanasia

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