Fish Removal Tool Update


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Wyoming, brrrr!
I am so mad!!!
I left that stupid guy positive feedback that said this:
"Good idea, I've seen it many places before. Very fast shipping,s&h way too high"

He responds with neutral feedback that says this:
"If you can't say something nice...Many times my butt...Can't afford $4.99?!!!"

This ticks me off!! I paid within two minutes after I bought the item, contacted him that night to arrange shipping, I was a perfect ebayer. Now i have this on my record. What a jerk.
:grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr:
Don't you just hate people like that?:grr:
All you can do is put a comment after your neutral to explain to other ebayers why it got left. If you have good feedback other than the one neutral, no-one will care!
There are, unfortunatly, lots of ebayers that don't care about their feedback.
the good news is that netural feedback dosn't count against your rating, but it is still very annoying :grr:
I pride myself on the feedback I leave for others and the ones that I recieve, I have completed over 100 buys/sells and have only 1 netural (at the moment :p )
If you wish to check out my feedback i'll pm you with my id name, as I don't want it made public on here. :cool:
I just looked at his feedback, after what I wrote he said:
"Reply by goingg0inggone: Seen it before my butt..My Idea.. CAN"T afford $4.00 Handling then don't get it! "

Sounds like a bitter little kid :angry:

I'm gonna beat him with his stupid bottle fish removal tool :flex:

And since he's being a jerk-here's the dtails of his precious idea for all to enjoy 8)

Find a clear plastic bottle that will accommodate the size of fish
that you want removed.
With a razor blade, cut three triangular shaped holes around the
circumference about three quarters of the way up with the point of
triangle facing the top. Make sure to only cut two sides of the
triangle and not the bottom part so that you can fold the pieces
inward. These holes should be just large enough for the unwanted fish
to swim through. Trim the inward facing pieces to a rounded point so
the fish does not injure themselves.
Punch three drain holes, one under each triangle an in or two down
that will allow the water level to fall below the triangles, so that
the fish cannot escape back through the triangles after it is caught.

Skip regular feeding for a day or two, place food inside the bottle.
Lower the unit into the tank so it becomes submerged and rests in the
upright position. Once the fish is in the bottle, quickly remove from
the tank.
Sorry - perhaps I'm missing something, or just stupid, but what's wrong with a net???

Oh, and I don't mean to offend, but I do kind of see his point, if you didn't want to pay $4.00, you didn't have to buy the item...
True, but explain to me why one sheet of paper in an evelope costs 4.00 to ship? :dunno:
Ok, I left a response to his comment, but I'm still ticked. At least we all had fun with this whole ordeal! :p
You're right, he does sound like a kid. Very immature response. You're way nicer than I am, I probably wouldn't have left a positive feedback and then protested any negative feedback he left for me with ebay.
I've been quietly following this one and I still don't get it.Seems like most of the fish in a given tank would be close in size.So how would only the fish you want removed be lured into the trap?

I also think he should have set a price for the idea to include the cost of paper,ink, and stamp, and skipped the high shipping charge.

I still say sorrel is member of the month for buying it so I dont have to. :D Its not a bad idea though. It sounds like a wasp catcher. You do the same thing when your sitting on your patio.(leave some pop in though) The wasps go in and cant get out so they dont bother you.
Sure, that'll work if you want to catch every fish, If I used it, I would catch 5 danios, 6 serpaes, 2 honey gouramis, one pearl gourami, and possibly the fish I want to catch. Great idea for a one fish tank :thumbs: (Or a lazy bum) :lol: That's stupid to have to pay 4 dollars for a piece of paper with cruddy fish catching plans. Sounds like a bored, greedy kid made it up, or got the I dea somewhere else :whistle:
i said it before, i'll say it again.........WHY ARE E-MAILS FOR?! a !@#$ing letter, to say all that? plus 4 bux?! HA! yeah right! 4 dollars for somethin that i dont even know!? my butt! why dont you tell everybody what is it about in a reply in the feedback section?? he cant erase them ....can him?

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