Fish Recomendations


Fish Crazy
Feb 18, 2009
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Hey, another question :hyper:

My tank is currently cycling and i have decided id like to keep 3 honey gouramis(1m 2f) the tank is 64l and id like a group of smaller fish to go with them, idealy id like something colourfull, easy to keep, dosile, and hardy

anyone have any ideas? :good:
Although others have differing opinions I don't normally have any problems adding them to a tank that has finished cycling.
does anyone else have any ideas?
You could stock some type of rasboras, either harlequins or brilliants would be a good tankmates for your honey gouramis...........the tetras are a good idea, but i wouldnt start with cardinlas or neons till your tank establishes itself..........Maybe try black skirts or penguins, they seem a little more hardy in my opinion.........after your setup for awhile you could think about some freshwater shrimp to cruise around the bottom
ok, say lets work out the rules

16g tank, so 16'' of fish

honey gouramis 1.5'' x3 5.5''

Zebra danios, 2'' x5 10''


Guppys 2'' x5 10''

so theres my stocking limit :)

would a shrimp be ok with all those? they are all peacefull fish :) and also is a group of 5 Zebra Danios too small?
you can add shrimp. I dont know for sure about the danios, but 5 usually suffices for a group.

black phantoms...! look great in a shoal of 6 and their skirts get long and flowing as they get older...

black neons, harlequins, pristella terta
i would steer away from the zebra danios, they have been fin nippers in my tanks and i dont think your gouramis would appreciate that!
just been down to my lfs, they have pearl gouramis, would two of these be suitable?

and a tetra, they looked like a neon, but brighter, cannon recall the name though... does anyone have any ideas?
Hi Spanerman :)

It depends on the size of your tank. Pearl gouramis are beautiful, but a lot bigger than the honeys when they are full grown. The males will get a red breast, but tend to be aggressive toward the female and other fish. Unless you plan to breed them, a pair of females would be good.

I've always liked glowlight tetras. They're small and peaceful.
Leave the pearls as they will bully the honeys.

Loubega recommended good fish.

are you looking for middle or bottom dwellers?

I have a male and female honey gourami in a tank with 12 neon tetras, 8 cherry barbs and 10 cory cats and they get along great. All have been in the same tank for approx 6 months with no problems.

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