Fish r great--question for you


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
State of Fear
I noticed that you said that you had an upside-down catfish in your cichlid aquarium as a bottom when you answered my question (thanks, by the way). When I saw that, I was very pleased, seeing as I already have two of them and am planning on buying at least one more! However, I also noticed that you only mentioned one upside-down catfish. I was wondering whether or not you were aware that these are schooling fish? Generally speaking, if they are not with at least two other fish of their species they either die of stress or spend the rest of their lives in hiding (which is why I'm planning on getting at least one more fish to complete my trio). Anyway, just wondering--I know that these are expensive fish to buy (the cheapest I can get them is six dollars a fish).
I was wrong and found out is a lace catfish but that doesn't rule out that you can't have them with cichlids I have another catfish who is only like 3" and gets along fine they leave him alone because hes on the bottom. I am pretty sure he is not of the syno species but something like bognar any ways usually synodontis cats are one of the only cats recommended for cichlid tanks. BTW I have a bumblebee cichlid and he grew very fast and is the meanist of them all but thats not as mean as the venustus I accidentally bought from Wal-mart who said he'd only grow to like 4" and after a month he was 3 1/2 and was pretty agressive.Well HTH cichlids are loads of fun I can't wait till I'm done fixing up my tank with more rock and stocking it. :D
fish_r_great said:
I was wrong and found out is a lace catfish but that doesn't rule out that you can't have them with cichlids I have another catfish who is only like 3" and gets along fine they leave him alone because hes on the bottom. I am pretty sure he is not of the syno species but something like bognar any ways usually synodontis cats are one of the only cats recommended for cichlid tanks. BTW I have a bumblebee cichlid and he grew very fast and is the meanist of them all but thats not as mean as the venustus I accidentally bought from Wal-mart who said he'd only grow to like 4" and after a month he was 3 1/2 and was pretty agressive.Well HTH cichlids are loads of fun I can't wait till I'm done fixing up my tank with more rock and stocking it. :D
Nicely done Tenacious D! (sorry, I know its getting old ;) )

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