fish problem

Ich/White Spot: This is probably one of the most common fish diseases. Ich looks like literally white spots all over the fish. This is a Protozoan disease caused by Ichthyophthirius in fresh water aqauriums (Cryptocarion irritans in Marine). It is a parasite that attacks the eyes, fins, gills, skin and mouth interior.

Symptoms: White spots all over the fish. The fish may attempt to scrape itself against objects in the aquarium, have a loss of appetite or a stressed-rapid breathing. The parasite can only be affected by treatment during the free-swimming stages of the cycle.

Treatment : A Copper Sulfate or Copper Formalin medicine should be able to kill most infections. There are many medicines all do the trick. If the fish are salt tolerant give your fish a salt bath. Also raise the temp this ups the life cycle of the disgusting parasite.
Paul Bolton said:
could sombody tell me why my fish are running there bodys sideways over rocks and the sand at the bottom of the tank ?
Do they have little sugar-like spots on them? It could be ich, which is a parasite. Sometimes with ich the fish will rub up against things, presumably because they itch. Ich looks like little sugar or salt granules, often on the fins. If it is ich, you need to treat them. There are many treatments out there. Most of them contain malachite green and/or formalin. It's important to continue treating for the ich even after it's no longer visible on the fish. Only a small part of the ich's life cycle is living on the fish. After it falls off the fish it goes in to the water and gravel. Make sure you remove any carbon from your filter while treating for ich, as the carbon will take the treatment out of the water.

If you have any more questions, just ask! Good luck!

aka Lizard
Hello PB and welcome to the forum. :hi:

Why not start a thread in the Newbie section to let everyone know you're here?

Ich is a common parasite that can be devastating to your fish if not treated quickly. Unless you have fish who cannot tolerate salt (such as catfish) use a medication as lizard described above along with one rounded tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of water and raise the temperature to 80-82 degrees. Treat the tank twice as long as the medication suggests.

There are other parasites that infest fish, especially goldfish and other cold water fish and if white spots do not appear, it could be one of those, but ich is probably the most common reason tropical fish behave the way yours are doing. :eek:

Good luck. I will look forward to your posts on this forum. :thumbs:
Welcome to the forum, hope you find it as useful as I did when i first joined. I'll give you a warning though... don't stay too long - I made that mistake and my small 10 gal tank rapidly multiplied into 3 tank... and always looking for the next :p :D

If the fish doesn't have the white spots on it it'll be worth checking your parameters first before adding any meds (meds are usually a last resort). Check your NitrAte levels along with your ammonia and nitrite levels. High Nitrates can cause discomfort and symptons that yours are showing (very high nitrates can kill). How long has the tank been set up?

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