fish pic


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2003
Reaction score
here is a pic of my emerald green cory i took with my new digital camera.
for some reason i cannot see the pic, unless i hit edit, then the pic shows up, or if i go to edit and then hit back, the pic shows up where previously it did not. why is this?
flyhockey1037 said:
for some reason i cannot see the pic, unless i hit edit, then the pic shows up, or if i go to edit and then hit back, the pic shows up where previously it did not. why is this?
I believe 'webshots' does not allow remote linking of images.

The reason you can see it sometimes is that it is loading from the local cache on your computer from when you viewed the image on the webshots website.
Try googling for 'photobucket' and signing up, or simply use the attachment function on this forum to upload the image directly from your computer to the forum.

Any way, here's your picture for you hosted elsewhere:


Pretty fish!

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