fish personalities

what personalty does ur fish have. preferibly for ur favorite fish

  • Grumpy (always seems like it wants to bite u or whatever)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shy (pretty timid afraid of other fish, ect.)

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  • Scared (always afraid of everything)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Strange (just a fish that seems to do lots of wierd things)

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  • Giddy (always acting silly and playful)

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  • Serious (pretty focused on what it wants to do, never playful)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just plain smart (follows u, nos many tricks and whatever)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pretty average (dosnt do much, just swims)

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  • Pretty dumb (follows himself around on the glass all day, ect.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Glutonous (always hungry and waits for food all day)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (plz tell in post)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fish Herder
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Clinton,Tennessee, U.S.A.
ive noticed that people fish have pretty diverse personalties. so what personality do ur fish have? smart, shy or whaever. plz tel more about fish in ur post.

my clowns: they're always hungry and just wait around for food all day. there also nice, when firefish gets scared and hides they sometimes stroke him and try to get him out.

my firefish goby: always scared and hides at any fast movement at all. pretty normal eater. seems to like the other fish

my scooter blenny: likes to hover on rocks and slid on the glass. and thats pretty much all

my clowns:
My africans are really active and are constantly moving.
My NW cichlid tank has lots of rock caves and hiding places and the tank looks empty 50% of the day, until I toss some food in and 15 fish come out of the woodwork.
My platy tank is pretty uneventful, but they're nice to look at :rolleyes:
My tigerbarbs follow me around the room begging for more food.

I used to have a breeding pair of oscars that were so aggressive that I thought of them when I read the options. I had a really hard time keeping the tank heated, because they'd break it, and if the filter had any type of tubing in the tank they would immediately attack it. The tank started out with an UGF and they cariied the tubes around in their mouths like they were jousting. They were something else B)
my favourite fish, my angelfish, is "Giddy" he dosn't know which way to go, and is always switching directions and whenever i'm near the tank, he always begs for food by looking "hungry" :fun:
My paradise fish(gourami) is so serious, he's the ruller of the tank and just swims around and keeps my opaline gourami in-line. He can be grumpy at times but thats because hes so serious. When some one else pisses him off or gets out of line he flares his fins like a betta and shows them whos in charge.
I like strange or nosy fish.

I like Kentaro th weather loach because he act weird, balancing on things precariously, swimming like mad and my favourite has to be when he digs himself so far under that only his head is poking out! This is pretty good considering he is 6" long!!

The clown loaches are funny for their upside-down/on their side resting anticts! I also like the way they never know where they are going, going in one direction then suddenly veer to another following Papa, the biggest one.

I also like the angels for their nosiness. No matter why I am up at the tank they come to watch.
yoyos- whether nose down in the gravel dig dig digging or slumped on their sides (playing dead) resting or going mad in the airstone bubbles -just plain daft!!! but seem to love life

neons/cardinals - very nosey inquisitive- chase the algae magnet/vaccum my hand at every opportunity

danios- my god these guys never stop for a second

tiger barbs - act like big tough guys but who are always the most terrified of anything unusual... or even usual, the algae magnet freaks them out big time

corys- gentle, cute, bumbling creatures, love them

red eyes- dont ever expend any energy unnecessarily, spend most of life bob bob bobbing away in a corner watching everthing else around them

algae eating shrimps - one word - busy!!!!
Well, my golden gourami has a hungry routine. She will go in circles around my Amazon Sword until I feed her. Then she comes up and can't swim straight because she is dizzy! I don't know what you would call that. Funny?
You just completely explained my gudgeons attitude. He follows me when I'm near his tank waiting for food. He is also smart knowing that I'm the food source but I can only vote once

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