Fish Personalities


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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I wanted to start a thread where people write about any of their fish doing strange/done strange stuff/behaviour.

I got two Clown loaches that love to push and shove each other out the way just to lay against my red plant, they have some good battles!

I have a Blue Wag Tail Platy that loves to reverse into any fish. He goes up to them, turns his back, then reverses into their side gently. All good fun :D

The funniest of them all I think is my Golden Gourami with his antenna's, he likes to whip some of the other fish as he's feeling around. One of my Red Coral Platy called 'Halibat' has become rather fond of the whipping and always want more whips from him! :good: :hyper:
Gilbert, my little gold male ram makes me laugh - he's so aggressive. He spreads out all his fins and squares up to two enormous (to him) angels. One of the angels sometimes fights back but the other always swims off sharpish!

I've also been surprised by my glowlight tetras. They've been in with some cardinal tetras (and one neon - but that's another story) and had become very fat and placid, ignoring the bickering of the cardinals. Recently though, I've moved them in with some blue emperor tetras which swim about fast all the time (bit like danios) and hey presto, my fat lazy glowlights have suddenly become more active - swimming about with their new friends. (Keeping up with the Jones's in fishy terms? :unsure: )
The most "personable" fish I've ever had were actually goldfish. Each has had its own distinct personality. My pearlscale looked like a really small basketball with small fins on the back for a tail.....cutest thing you ever saw.....he was a huge PIG. He'd eat anything, anytime! His death came about as a mistake on my part. I didn't know goldfish went for ghostshrimp as food. I bought 20 of them from the LFS and upon dropping them all in the 55 gallon tank with 3 goldfish in it.....HE went for ALL of them. There was no one left in a matter of 2 days.

He died a few days later. Probably blockage. :rip:

I had another, a red oranda.....the nosiest fish I've ever seen! At least once a week I had to lift up the fake log in the middle of the tank because he worked his way up in there and couldn't get out. :fun:

I had a gold oranda that would play "catch". I could put my hand in the tank, and he would follow it very closely. I'd throw something like gravel and he'd "catch" it in his mouth (thinking it was food). :lol:

OK I can't think of any more but when I do I'll chime in. :good:
My BN Pleco sleeps on my Borneo sword plant leaves.
My pepper corydoras loves to climb all my tall plants to see if he can make it to the top.
My zebra danios are just plain psycho.
Lol, I think that's about it for now. :D
my fire eel buries himself in the sand right up to his neck

my oscar dances for food

my severum changes colour at feed time and his eyes go orange round the edge

my birchirs play in the air curtain,keeps them amused for ages
i have one fancy tailed goldfish that is around 5 to 6 inches and one that is around 3 to 4 cm's the little one follows and copies everything the bigger one does its amusing to watch
rocky my betta cuddles into my ADFs when asleep.

my leopard loach does a dance then performs back flips catching sinking flakes at feeding time.
I used to own a common plec [about 12 inches long] who would eat anything and everything i put into the tank. flakes, frozen blocks, brine shrimp, guppy fry.

He would swim upside down with his mouth collecting all the flakes on the surface before any of the other fish got a look in.

He's now been re-homed to Sue, where I'm sure he does exactly the same!
My male guppy will do anything to be around the female. my female just weeves through the plants and the male is right behind her at all times.
my fish dont do anything very interesting... but my ADF female is so cute... if i put my finger in the tank she follows it around and ill pull it out off the water about an inch and shell jump up and hit it with her nose... i think she thinks its an oversized worm since they cant see too well and shes getting kind of old... 5 or 6 i think... and i feed them (ive got a male too) with an eye dropper and shell get down really low on the sand and then jump and bite the eyedropper and hang on to it... the male just stands on his hind legs and opens his mouth and i shoot a brine shrimp in and he goes in his little cave and eats it and comes back out for more lol
lol i cant ven get my adfs to understand the concept of feeding time. sometimes i have to leave food for up to an hour before they find it/i remove it.
my danios are psycho

my plec ( biggest thing in the tank ) is a coward

my platies play ring around a rosie with the water bubbles
My Green Phantom Plec Louie seems to like drum n bass! When we put some on he comes out of hiding and swims all over the tank!

Would be funny if he danced! LOL!

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