Fish Only Vs. Reef


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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I was wondering on the Pros and Cons on Fish Only Saltwater Tanks, and Reef Saltwater Tanks.

EDIT: I have checked sites, so don't get info from sites, I want YOUR opinion. ;)

"TANX" :flex:
FOSW... why? Unless it is a species tank I see no reason to do FOSW over FOFW.
Pros for fish only: Not limited to choice of fish; no lighting worries; fish are more forgiving of less than perfect water (though of course on the other hand this might tempt us to keep it less than perfect); no worries about supplements of calcium, trace elements, etc.

Pros of reef: It looks a zillion times better! There's no tank like a reef tank! A bigger challenge, if you like challenges. All the live rock and little critters provide all the filtration you need (apart from the skimmer) and you don't get a nitrate build up. More natural environment for the fish, and they look happier.

I've kept both and if I had another marine tank it would have to be reef - every time!
Thanks for your insights. But another question, what makes a reef? Starfish, anenome, live rock and corals put together? or only anenome and corals? Or something totally different?
Live rock + live sand + inverts including = reef.
Ahh, ok. So I guess then,

E.g - ****** Triggerfish are not reef safe because they eat corals.
Yellow Wrasse are not reef safe because they can eat some shrimps.
Zebra Moray Eel are not reef safe because they can eat clams.

Have I got the jist of it here? Different 'non-reef' fish are non reef because they don't get along with something reef associated, right?

Thanks for help as yet. :)
Well, I'll admit one thing, lighting is the reason I don't want to go reef. But are anenomes, corals and clams the only main things that need lighting? (Maybe I could still go reef, just without real corals or real anemones.
Go for the halfway house FOWLR - Fish Only With Live Rock. You can then get the benefit of the critters and filtration of the live rock (and live sand) but are not contrained by the requirements of the corals, etc. You could also POSSIBLY add some softies depending on the fish you end up with. You will also get the coralline algae on the rocks and glass as time goes on to add colour.

EddieW said:
Go for the halfway house FOWLR - Fish Only With Live Rock. You can then get the benefit of the critters and filtration of the live rock (and live sand) but are not contrained by the requirements of the corals, etc. You could also POSSIBLY add some softies depending on the fish you end up with. You will also get the coralline algae on the rocks and glass as time goes on to add colour.

thats exactly what i would do eddie...

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