Fish Only At One End Of My Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hey guys just got a question,

all my fish (about 20) only stay down one side of my tank i have a 3ft 150L tank, i have my internal filter on the other end n bubbles in the middle??

how can i make them use all the tank
try turning the flow rate down on the internal filter?

other than that as long as both sides have the same sort of plants/rocks/ornamebts i dont think there's much you can do
Yeah, I kinda agree, I'd ask myself whether heat, excess water movement or "security", any of those 3, were playing a role in the situation.

Splitting heating between 2 heaters or changing the water flow routes can change the first situation if you have it. Changing outlet pipes or spraybars if you have the second. Or it could be that the fish find more security in plants or decor in certain parts of the tank if the third is the thing. Always be sure too that all your water stats are spot on the the fish are not stressed, but hopefully that's not an issue.

That's all I can think of, not being there!
thanx matt n waterdrop
it is notihng very inportant just wanted to no how come, and i understand now

thanks again
Hi, just a thought. Is there a window or a light coloured wall at the end they are at? Sometimes fish are attracted to the light :dunno:

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