I would like to encourage you to buy a master test kit, preferable a liquid based one, rather than a dip stick one. When fish get sick or are acting strange, often the cause is bad water, particularly ammonia and nitrIte levels, which should always be zero. I recomend the liquid based ones simply because they are more accurate. I can't recomend one because I don't know where you are from, and judging by the liters as a measurement, you aren't from the US.
If you can get a test kit and test for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte, that would be great. If you can't, most pet stores and fish stores will test your water for free. It is really important for us to know these things to pin point the problem(s). What is the temperature in your tank, and are you adding anything besides dechlorinator? Do you ever clean out your filter? If so, how do you clean it, and when did you last clean the filter? Last question...exactly what types of fish do you have? Small community fish is a very broad category, and some recomendations vary with the type of fish you have.
Besides getting your water tested, I would recomend you begin doing partial water changes to see if this helps your fishs' behavior. You can do up to a 25% water change every three or four hours if needed. Even if the water changes help your fish, please get your water tested, that information is important to know.