Fish on tank bottom


Fish Addict
Jul 21, 2002
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Woke up this morn to find my Head & Tail Lights stuck to filter intake. Unplugged filter, figured I'd give 'im a rest and see what happened. After 'bout 10min, he got himself set about mid-level in the tank, where he's now sitting, within a plant toward the back.
I'd say he's about 5-6yrs old. I've heard neons can live up to 10yrs; does this apply to all tetras?
A = 0, pH = >6.0, GH = 5deg, KH = 0deg, Temp = 80-82
15gal. tank

Seemed ok last night, although I was gonna ask about him being so fat. Now he was a real piglet when I got him, and grew pretty quick. I always kinda assumed that's how they looked as adult. I'd say he's maybe a cm. wide; is this normal?

He left the plant, and was kinda swimming/drifting at about the same level. Now he's just below the surface, doing the same.

No one seems to be picking on him. Should I move him (don't want to add more stress), or just kind of wait it out?
:) I'd say wait it out and see how he/she gets on. With being sucked onto the filter it's probably very stressed and tired, just keep an eye on it for the meantime. :thumbs: Mac.
k, he's back to the bottom, now. I think his equilibrium's ok, he's kinda leaning to one side, but I'm thinking maybe his fin got damaged being stuck.
Was planning on a water change today (re: pH). Wait on that, I guess? Just add crushed coral to filter?
Should I feed, the other fish, anyway? Didn't at first, 'cause I didn't want the other fish to get all crazy 'n' knock him about.
Tetras are delicate fish as are a lot of fish. Being sucked up by the filter besides causing stress, may also have caused some internal injury. Dependant of how powerful the filter was when it got sucked in, it is certain it would have suffered damage to its muscles, be it tail end or side. Also depending how long it was stuck in the intake pipe will determine how much damage is done. If you can imagine "a love bite". The filter would be sucking against the side of the fish constantly, until rescued. The fish might have been fortunate and got away with minor bruising and will recover quickly or if it has sustained deep injury and bleeding slowly, you won't be able to tell for a couple of days. Remember the smaller the creature the quicker it succumbs to the effects of injury. I hope you have been fortunate.

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