fish okay


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Colorado
My fish, after being exposed to the saltwater bath thing after 3 - 4 days are finally healing up, at least their scales, previously sticking from the side are coming back in, one pf my platies is complaetely fine again.... strange how the platies are the only ones who got it...the molly did not...but he was the one that one biting them all the time :rolleyes: .... the only problem, is that i've been trying to give the platies some food to help them out ( it boosts the immune system, they come in these little dots) and i give them about 8 dots, but the mollie is eating them all. He eats almost everything in the tank -_- the things im giving them is called Bio blend. Is this okay???????? Well thanx for the help, I dunno what it was, but the input was helpful. Probly just from a fight :S :X
i find that platty's arn't as hard as mollies i had a few plattys in my tank when it was sick and the pattys died before the mollies did! but sorry to here that
platies are definately hardier

I dunno about tropicals but I give by goldfish salt baths for 15 days when they got real sick last year (one died though)

Just remember to starve the fish a bit when they are sick (it really helps)

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