Fish Of The Month Contest?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2008
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I think that the TOTM competition is awesome, I'll be entering my aquarium soon hopefully. Was thinking that a Fish of the Month competition could be pretty great as well as a second competition (especially for those who may not get into aqua-scaping). Perhaps rather than just a photo, members could be asked to include a paragraph (limit it in length so it could be included on the voting page) about the fish and its personality. I know that I would really enjoy reading about other people's fish. Each member would be allowed to enter one fish a month, but the advantage to this contest would be having a lot more entries. This month only had 4 tanks while last month had 15 entered. Since each tank has many fish I'm sure it could have well over 20+ entries per month.

Just a thought, I'm not sure if it's been ran in the past or not.
At least part of our future plans for running contests will depend on the amount of interest and participation in the Pet of the Month and Tank of the Month contests that we now have.

If you haven't voted in the current POTM contest, please take a minute to vote here. Your comments would be welcomed too, And, while you are visiting the Household Pets section, why not read a few threads and nominate or second one of the pets to participate in the November's contest?

The voting is on to determine the winner of the November TOTM here. Please take a minute to check them out and vote for your favorite. The rules of this contest are slightly different from those of the POTM so look them over and nominate your own tank for December's contest if you wish. :D

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