Fish Not Eating


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Sydney Australia
well as the name says a couple of my fish are not eating. I have a 130liter tank with 2 silver sharks 2 opaline gouramis 2 golden gouramis and 2 new bristlenose catfish. I cot the cats of saturday and they seem to wim around and munch on the algae but today i put a couple of algae wafers in and they havent done anythin to them. As well as this one of my golden gouramis- the smaller one isnt eating at all and it hang around in the same spot for mot of the day. I havent seen any bullying going on as well. Anyway the golden gourami isnt even interested in the food that floats right by it. Why i thi? Is their something wrong with mine?

Can any one help me out ?

PS i am feeding a mixture of sinking pellets and flakes plus ive got some bloodworms that i havent opened yet and algae wafers for the bristlenoses.

All help appreciated
I'd also be interested in hearing what you guys have to say on this matter. One of my silver sharks is not eating either...
Fish not eating?

First thing, do a water check and post results then we go from there :good:
Well in my case all water conditions are spot on. Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate are 0/0/40 always, pH 8, temp 26 C.

If this is the same as Maxamus then any suggestions would be great! :)
maybe harrassment at night when the light is off..... its happened to me. once i was going to bed and decided to turn the light off.... my mum got up for work and turned teh light back on about an hour later and found 2 of my fish chassing eachother arround and nipping at there fins. she came into my room all of a sudden and told me. she doesnt know much about them so wasnt sure if it was normal. this is only a suggestion. mkaybe they just dont like teh algea wafers you provide for them. my corries are rather finicky when it comes to food and such..... anyway good luck with that one.
i dont think it is bullying but i will check to night as none of the fish seem to have torn fins or missing fins or any physical signs of bullying. And im not that worried about the bristlenoses because their new and they do seem to be munching on the wood and algae in my tank. The main fish im worried about is my golden gourami. Also i measured my level for you.

Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 30

all help appreciated Maxamus
definately monitor for gourami's aggression. it does not always manifest in torn fins etc
even chasing around is bullying... it doesnt matter if he catches teh fish or not. if he is constantly chasing away a certain fish, there is an obvious dislike between the two. this counts as a type of bullying. similar to a b/s chasing away a pack of corries from his hidy hole. any ammount of chasing, nipping, or attacking is bullying and can cause serious depression and health issues for your fish. so keep a watch on them and see wat happens in the next few days and post back to let us no.
i hope this has helped you.

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