Fish Mysteriously Dying


New Member
Jan 30, 2010
Reaction score
NSW, Australia

I purchased some new fish on Saturday (4 Cherry barbs, 2 Clown loaches) for my 130ltr tank and since then I have lost 1 molly, 1 neon tetra (possibly 2 cant find the other one anywhere in the tank), 2 cherry barbs and one of my corys, over a 3 day period (monday till this morning).

I have been testing the water daily and have been getting the same readings. This mornings readings were:
PH: 7.4
Ammonia: 0ppm

I checked over the dead fish and noticed no markings, except for on the molly who had a little red dot down near his tail, the others looked perfectly fine to me. The other fish in the tank are swimming around normally and are exhibiting no signs of stress.

The new fish I purchased came from a different shop to where I usually purchases, based on the recommendation of a friend who never has any trouble with them. So I am not too sure what is happening. After the first fish died (molly) I did a 50% water change incase there was something up with the water and I intend on doing another one today.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How long has the tank been set up? and whats your nitrite reading

How big are the clown loaches?,these will get to big for your tank,you'd be better taking them back.
How many fish and which type.
I agree about the clown loaches they need large tanks.

I would take them back to the lfs.

Red dots on fish can be septicemia to parasites.

What test kit are you using.
Need nitrite, nitrate, ph readings.
Problem has been solved, the shop where we originally bought our tank had given us the wrong advice on what dose of conditioner to use and as a result we had made our water too hard. We took a sample to the other lfs to have a test and he has us set on the right path now. According to him our hardness was at 360, however nitrites and nitrates were perfect.
The loaches are only a temporary occupant in the tank to remove the snails, as soon as my other tank is cycled they will be moved to a bigger home just for them :D. Thanks for the help and I definately will not be going back to the that shop again, our new lfs has a nice reputation around the area so sticking with him.
Glad you found a good lfs. It helps alot in fish keeping.
Good Luck.

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