Fish Mix and Match


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Medford New Jersey
Alright, I need some ideas on what to do with my fish tank.

O.k, well, right now, all I have in my 10 gallon is 1 platy and 1 pleco. I know this is a bit demanding, but here goes. Here are what I want for my tank.

-small so there is room for a few

As Platys are schooling have you thought of having any more?

They come in all different colours.
Really? I thought they were only red and orange. Do Platies school with guppies cause I am thinking of those. Also, beloved neon tetras.
No, platys won't school with guppies but they will get along I think. If you are going with livebearers and you want other fish, get them of the same sex or you'll have LOADS of babies :D .

Also, afte a while, the pleco will outgrow the 10 gallon so you'll either need to return it to your lfs, of buy a bigger tank.

As for other fish, cherry barbs are mid-dwellers, probably cheap and nice and colourful
Platys and Guppies will get along just fine although they wont school together.

They do come in different colours. I have 2 sunset red, 2 peach Mickey Mouse and 2 blue/gree/orange
Second the suggestion for cherry barbs - very nice coloring and stay small.

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