fish list


New Member
Dec 11, 2002
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this is whats in my tank

5+glowlight tetras- had for a year

6+black phantom tetras- got a week a go

1+neon tetra-had for a year

2+flaming tetras-had for a year

2+male guppies- had for 2 1/2 months
2+female guppies- had for 2 1/2 months

3+marble anglefish-1female 2male- had for 1 month

i coun't tell u but there happy what size did u think :p
20 long or 20 high?

This would really make a big difference as to how many fish it will hold!!

Sounds like alot of fish for a 20h. Now, as long as you got GOOD filtration and water is changed regularly you can keep a tank alittle over crowded. But, with the species you keep you may run into troubles. The angels get big and need the space. Once the angels mature they will most likely see the smaller fish as a threat and may try to chomp them.
The tetras should all be fine together though. I would be more concerned about the angels.

If the tank was a 20l you would have alittle more room to play with. The best tanks to have are those with the MOST surface area. 20l have more surfacxe area than the 20h. Proper filtration is VERY important because with an overcrowded tank you take a risk of amonia spikes which can accur in over crowded conditions due to excess waste. Also when fish are kept in crowded conditions the chances of an ick outbreak increase. If the fish are stressed out , and or beating on each other this will and can cause ick to accur.

Keep an eye on the water quality and monitor the fish is my best advice till you can relocate the angels.

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