
Aug 14, 2002
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If a fish bites he can go to a tank by it's self for a week or soo. if it kills then it goes forever in the small tank or death. death to is too cruel since they dont' know. i got this from somone on this bored. it's a classic
I get really annoyed with people that "punish" fish, or any animal for that matter, for doing what comes naturally to them. You cannot expect any fish to behave as you wish if it's not their nature. In the wild they have to protect themselves from predators and if they feel threatened, then they will do the same in captivity. If you don't want your fish to bite, then research before you buy and don't put it with others that are not suitable companions.
YES!!! never punish should know your fishes characteristics/personallity from research. So before u add fish research.
Well, at the risk of being blasted, I'll say that I have a couple of male mollies that have to be given 'time outs' and even had to be relocated to tanks with larger fish. I have a black molly that chases the giant danios...3 times his size, he's redneck :blink: ! I had no way of knowing that this would happen, I've never read that mollies were aggressive!

So, what could I have done differently? :D
There is always the exception to the rule - if your mollie is a biter, then return him/her to where you got it, explain the situation and any decent lfs will exchange it for something more peaceful, like a different mollie :)

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