Fish keep on dying please help!


New Member
Sep 24, 2022
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Hi all

So I've been pretty new to the scene, I got my first fish tank only in Oct, to set the scene I have a fluval Roma 125, with a fluval 206 filter and a heater set to about 27-28degrees.

I have a large piece of food which I boiled over a number days, live plants and a gravel type substrate. Feed them every other day (you run of the mill flakes from Tetramin)

I have had a mixture of Gouramis, guppys, harlequin rasboas, cardinals and a few corodorys.

In short I feel l that I have had more deaths that one would like in these short months, averaging around one death every every couple of weeks, the only species that have been immune appear to be the rasboas, I have had the swim bladder issues for woem but others it doesn't seem apparent. I have regular water tests by my local shop (no current issues, had a big nitrite spike in December but now solved) , I do a water change every couple of week, 25-30%.

I'm not sure what is going wrong! I did have a fish die and I was not able to locate it so wondered if its a rotting fish doing this but a couple weeks ago I emptied the entire tank and stated again and since then another 2 deaths have occurred. At the point where I'm considering surrendering the fish back and selling up!

Could this be an Infection in the tank? How do identify this and how do I solve it. Sorry for the long, post!
Sounds like you might be cycling with fish. I believe one of the more experience people will have the reading requirements for that.
What are your water parameters? Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, pH, and is your water soft or hard?
Also, it's advisable to do water changes weekly to make sure ammonia, nitrites and nitrates stay low for the fish.
Cory's need sand substrate and not gravel.
Also, you have fish for soft water and hard water mixed together.

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