Fish just friggin gone... *poof* no where

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Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I noticed my german blue ram hiding in the corner and breathing heavily and I went to get the hospital tank and poof it was just gone. Haven't been able to find her since.

I also had two otos and now I can only find one. No body, no skeleton, not in the filter, nothing. And I only have a cherry barb in there so it couldn't have gotten eaten. I've searched the tank everyday for the last week and still nothing.... any ideas what happened?

So as far as I know, unless the oto is playing a magic trick. I think I only have one oto and one cherry barb in the tank.
That sucks. I understand...Ive had a few fish that have pulled the disappearing act on me. All I can think of is they jumped out of my tank and my kitties had a nice midnight snack.

Sorry bout you loss though...

I hope you find them, sorry to hear about that.

chris :unsure:
do you have a lot of caves or any decorations that a small fish can hide in? Cause the same thing happened to me with my 1" clown loach i'll only see them once in a blue moon they hide pretty good, i'm thinking that your little blue ram and otto are hiding somewhere in your tank and would probably come out when there hungry? Good luck anyways, hope they show up soon..

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