Fish Jumping


Fish Aficionado
Oct 4, 2007
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If a fish jumps of water onto floor how do u pick it up, whats the best way to handle it, like small fish such as tetras , guppies
well as long as you dont do what i did when my bala shark jumped you`ll be fine ( i used a knife to push it on a fork and chucked it in,then 10 days later wanted to know why he was dying from septicemia :blush: but it was a shock and i was new in the hobby-so forgive me for my sin)

tricky question tho,as they are so small, you need to be super careful that they didnt get scratched or anything

shelagh xxx

ps, did that parcel show up yet ?
Never had tetras or guppys jump. My dojo loach is a nightmare for it at maintence time, What i do with him is get the net and a piece of card or something of the like and try to flip him into the net. took abit of practice but after numerous escape attempts it def becomes easier. :good:
well as long as you dont do what i did when my bala shark jumped you`ll be fine ( i used a knife to push it on a fork and chucked it in,then 10 days later wanted to know why he was dying from septicemia :blush: but it was a shock and i was new in the hobby-so forgive me for my sin)

tricky question tho,as they are so small, you need to be super careful that they didnt get scratched or anything

shelagh xxx

ps, did that parcel show up yet ?

well once i lifted a small guppy up by its tail and then it came off :sick:

no parcel yet shelagh -_-
during my move, I bucketed up all my danios/sd's (the sd's were still quite small). Well when I had the first few danios in the bucket... they decided they didnt like it in there so they started jumping out.... well after this happened twice... finally learned to cover the bucket in between x-fers... anyways, point of the thread... i just picked them up with my hands... I know... suppossedly horrible thing as it can possibly introduce toxins and openings into their slime coat... but when your already stressed from try to keep everybody in the tank calm while you try to quickly get fish into a bucket without three already in there jumping out... do what you gotta do.

Have never seen any health issues with these guys so don't feel it has had any adverse effects... also, when I was putting them in the new tank... one decided to jump out of the back of the tank.... so it took me 30 seconds to get ahold of the little guy flapping around behind the tank... but again... he is still fine with no problems.... damn danios!!!

Ox :good:
sometimes you have no choice but to use your hands, just make sure you stick them in the fish water 1st so they're wet, you don't want to rub off too much of their protective slime. I know...try picking up a neon with your bare fingers, almost impossible!

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