Fish Is Suffering


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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my guupy was laid curled around the filter tube when i came in upide down.

it swam away when i went to move it but it keeps sinking headfirst.

i think its ulcer has ruptured and i just wanted to check that people agree that it looks like the poor fish has had enough.

If yes, ive heard of people using clove oil. I have some but am not sure what to do with it.
please advise me.
Put the fish in a small dish with tank water, put a couple drops of clove oil in the dish. Wait a couple, if the fish is still with you add some more.

Sorry to here this.Good luck.
Sorry, was he in issolation when the ulcer ruptured.
Sorry, was he in issolation when the ulcer ruptured.

He was in hospital tank with sick danio. Not entirely sure it had ruptured but it looked open and Im sure he didnt have long left when i saw him curled around the filter sucker.
Anyway he's in fishy heaven now.
:-( :rip: I'm so sorry for your loss. At least you gave him a chance, and did the right thing when there was no chance for survival.
I would prerform a water change then on the tank, bless him sorry for your loss. :rip:
I would prerform a water change then on the tank, bless him sorry for your loss. :rip:
Yeah I will do.
Ive bought some gloves for when im doing water changes, if ive got tb in my tanks, jsut to be on the safe side, theyre like washing up gloves - do you think theyre safe to use ie they wont put any chemicals into the water ??
does clove oil really work to kill fish?
what is it in the oil that kills them? I've never heard of that as a method, as its harmless to humans isn't it, and is used medicinally.
I was told by a fish keeper that euthanasing a fish by putting it into the freezer and letting its temp drop was a reasonable method, but then I read in a book that this was not very humane. Any one care to add to this subject?

does clove oil really work to kill fish?
what is it in the oil that kills them? I've never heard of that as a method, as its harmless to humans isn't it, and is used medicinally.
I was told by a fish keeper that euthanasing a fish by putting it into the freezer and letting its temp drop was a reasonable method, but then I read in a book that this was not very humane. Any one care to add to this subject?


I guess its like an anaesthetic for them, i wasnt sure this on its own would kill them I thought it just made the 'knife' bit painless. But I learnt tonight it does & it seemed pretty quick.
As far as i'm aware, the clove oil does kill them. What happens the clove oil is an anesthetic, and literally puts them to sleep. After they are asleep, you add a larger dose of the clove oil, which finishes off the job. I always leave my fish sitting in the container for a while afterwards, just to make sure it is dead and it doesn't suddenly come back to life.
I've heard the most painless method is just to crush the brain, although it seems emotionally traumatising to say the least. Also I remember reading somewhere on this forum that freezing them is possibly the most inhumane method. :( Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I prefer the use-of-husband-to-crush-brain method.
I'm too soft hearted to do it myself, but I have got my otehr half to despatch before.
IMO it has to be the absolute quickest way.
i use clove oil as its the only way i can bring myself to do the deed!!! and i have been home alone a couple of times with a sick obviously distressed fish that would have had to wait a good few hours till my husb came home.
saying this....................... i STILL find it a very very very hard thing to do even though i know its the best & most humane thing at the time :-(

as said please do not use the freezer method of euthanasing - it is cruel.

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