fish injured


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2004
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hi all i have a neon platy and it cant seem to swim, it swims around abit, twisting and turnin most of the time upside down, i had a few tiger barbs that nibbled its fins.

i have put the fish in an isolation net fingy so it can recover, will it recover?

will its fins grow back?
isolate it and give it melafix, but if it is flipping upside down there is a good chance it won't make it :byebye:

lesson learned:
barbs are not community,
platies are
the two do NOT mix whatsoever

sorry about your little buddy :/

BTW if he does recover then his fins will grow back (melafix heals and stops/fights infection preventing disease) but please don't put him back wit the barbs ever again,
Sorry your platy got attacked, barbs are a semi-aggressive fish especially in smaller numbers . The only type of barb I found remotely nice was my Rosey barbs. I had them in with guppies and no deaths or chasing occured.
Good luck :)

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