fish in lfs


Boss Major
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
San Francisco/San Jose, CA
i just went to my lfs, they have bichirs for 30 bucks each, one has a pearlish white like color, the other looks like a african butterfly fish. they also have a pleco that looks kinda flat, looks like a ray, anybody know what fish these are? oh yeah, how big of a tank do you need for a bgk and a bichir that i just mentioned. im about to set up a new tank, around 55 gal. im thinking about these fish for my tank. will it work? thanks for the help. what is the smallest bichir? any other weird fish i can put in? thanks for the help
More than likely refering to a "hong kong plec" - otherwise known as a hill stream loach.

They do kind of look like a tiny ray.
yeah, its like a ray thats 1 inch, sticking to the wall, whats the max size these grow? they cost 2 dollars at the shop

edit: just checked out the pictures, its a hillstream loach, im probably going to buy one for my 10 gal, its kinda empty, i hope they arent sold out, i didnt buy them because i thought they were going to turn out huge
Dorkhedeos said:
yeah, its like a ray thats 1 inch, sticking to the wall, whats the max size these grow? they cost 2 dollars at the shop

edit: just checked out the pictures, its a hillstream loach, im probably going to buy one for my 10 gal, its kinda empty, i hope they arent sold out, i didnt buy them because i thought they were going to turn out huge
they need cool water - fast flowing and well oxygenated.
can anybody tell me about the bichirs? if one of those is a senegal, i will probably look into buying it once my tank is up. senegals are the smallest right?
can anybody tell me about the bichirs? if one of those is a senegal, i will probably look into buying it once my tank is up. senegals are the smallest right?
Senegals max out around 12". The smallest bichirs will max out around that size.
The white one you describe sounds like a senegalus. The other could be an Ornate, perhaps a color variant? Regardless, definetly go for the senegal. Ornates grow up to be big bruisers.
is there any other bichir that is whiteish? i dont want to get the wrong one, cause the shop that i saw it in doesnt have refunds or exhanges. its a big pet store with dogs, pet rodents, birds, and some reptiles. they also sell painted fish, but this is the only place ive seen a bichir, so if i want one, im going to have to get it from there. does a healthy bichir look like a healthy fish? the other store where i saw the hill stream loach is a pretty good shop, they got rid of their painted fish a week after they got them. ill take picture this saturday or sunday.
are these the only bichirs there are? Bichirs

i remember that the sign said brown bichir and ornate bichir. if those are the only ones, that means they have a senegal
No, there are quite a few more species out there.
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