Fish In Edenbridge, Kent


New Member
Oct 28, 2010
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I'm moving to Australia this weekend, and the person that was going to look after my tanks for me has fallen through. They are all free to a good home, but if you wanted to make a small donation to my travelling fund, it'd be greatly appreciated. I have:

1 Betta - a purple veiltail i think.

2 * angelfish - silver
1 * electric blue ram
8 * cardinal tetra
1 * bristlenose plec - starlight
1 * corydoras - albino

If your interested they must be picked up by the end of the weekend. There are also several plants, which I will add to the planted section.
What are you doing with your tanks? Couldn't the person who is having them look after the fish for you? I wish I was closer mate.
please can you drop me a PM with your postcode, i think your quite close by. but just want to check.

I've got a little 5 gallon that I would be very happy to sell, its got a basic lighting unit, filter and heater with it as well.

My main tank is a bigger one, 42 gallons, that I was planning on putting in storage in case I came back. However, I'd be willing to sell it if people were interested. It's got a DIY stand, an FX5 for filtration, a Rena 200W smart heater, a 75W lighting unit and a couple of nutrafin CO2 fermentation calendars. I'd also be willing to split it up if I can get takers for all the pieces.

DanielRyan, I'll send you a PM now.

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