I'm moving to Australia this weekend, and the person that was going to look after my tanks for me has fallen through. They are all free to a good home, but if you wanted to make a small donation to my travelling fund, it'd be greatly appreciated. I have:
1 Betta - a purple veiltail i think.
2 * angelfish - silver
1 * electric blue ram
8 * cardinal tetra
1 * bristlenose plec - starlight
1 * corydoras - albino
If your interested they must be picked up by the end of the weekend. There are also several plants, which I will add to the planted section.
1 Betta - a purple veiltail i think.
2 * angelfish - silver
1 * electric blue ram
8 * cardinal tetra
1 * bristlenose plec - starlight
1 * corydoras - albino
If your interested they must be picked up by the end of the weekend. There are also several plants, which I will add to the planted section.