Fish Identifying Please


New Member
Sep 25, 2007
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I've had half a dozen of these lovely little fish for a while but over time we've eventually been left with one who's looking very lonely. Now I've got a terriblem memory and for the life of me can't remember what species they are. I've got the name harlequin in my head but I'm not sure if it's a rasbora as I didn't think they had the bright orange flash along the outer edge of the black marking. I'd really like some more for some company but need to know before I ring round the LFS to see who has any.
PS Apologies for the pics, it's tricky trying to take pics of fish!


These get labelled as both lambchop rasboras and copper harlequins where I've seen them, if there's a difference I don't know what it is!
These get labelled as both lambchop rasboras and copper harlequins where I've seen them, if there's a difference I don't know what it is!

Lambchop rasboras are Trigonostigma espei and copper rasboras are T. hengeli. They are very similar.

Edited for spelling the latin name wrong!
is that your background in the photo? if it is using to background glue would stop all the pockets and really brighten up your tank. i left mine like that for months and then got the glue and it looks 5 times better.

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