Fish Identification


New Member
May 6, 2007
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I completely forgot the name of one of the fish that came with my tank. I'll try to describe him untill I get the pictures.

Grey in color (yellow shimmer if light hits it right)
Has a small bright white square spot near the tail, almost appears to be a flat fin.
Has a very long snout
Fish is taller than long
Likes to hide in dark areas
Likes to mess with my sand

I do remember he said it eats algae

He looks like that but he's more of a gray, bigger eyes, and very faint darker spots.

I need to know this beacause im going right after work to get another fish and maybe some coral/food.
Almost 80% sure thats him!

Although he's only 1" maybe 2" at most (i noticed stuff looks weird sizes through the glass, found that out trying to setup my LR)

He was being a pesky little bugger last night, he was trying to eat something and somehow knocked one of my rocks loose.

Edit: Forgot to say thanks wendy!
Tangs shouldnt really be kept in any form of Nano Tank, how big is your tank?

Best and most humane thing would be to return him to a LFS and get store credit for him, Tangs need lots of swimming room!
It's a 12g nano cube DX

Apparently he's been in there for over 6 months with no problem o_O

I'll talk to the previous owner and see if it really is a tang.

He put it in there for a reason, the previous owner has a complete 150+ gallon reef setup (looked closer to 200) so im sure he knew what he was doing.
the smallest tang needs a minuim tank size of about 80 gallons the rest are about 110 gallons so im pretty sure hes stressed and wait until he grows to a full adult ,its for the best if you do get credit for him
I agree with the posts above tangs should really be kept in a larger tank you may get away with it while it is small but once it grows it wil most likely get too strssed i would take it back to the LFS and get creadit for it the get another fish. you may want to look at dottybacks they are real actice colorful fish.
thats gd that u gave him to ur lfs cuz he would of been really cramped in ur 12g cube ive go 1 naso tank 3 surgeons and 8 yellow tanks in my 5x2x2 marine tank they still occasionally chase eachother
you have a naso in a 5ft tank????? and 8 yellow tangs...
some people are cruel. You need to research your fish dude, look at this naso first. 18" of fish.
Sorry man but you needa do something, your tank is so overstocked.
lol my naso is oly 3 inches its a baby and my biggest yellow tang is only 6 inches the others are 4 and 5 inches i bought them all as babies but as soon as they get to 7 or 8 inches i sell them or giv to my lfs

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