Fish Identification needed!


New Member
Nov 12, 2004
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this is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me to date!..

I brought around 14 bunched plants last night before i left for work, in a little bit of a rush as my mum was waiting outside impatiently!...
well as i was placing them in their bucket for finally fitting later on today there was a little bit of water left in the bottom of the bag....
and well i noticed something moving, at first i though it was just a snail, but looking at it closely it was a FISH!....and i havent got a clue what this little guy is..

he looks to be a form of botia, he has got that sorta torpido shape..... he is tiny, around 1/2 inch and has a pink pink/red colour. His tail or sorta < shapes and about half way down his body has a quite a thick band of black...

i would take a picture of him but he is currently in my molly fry tank which has no light, and he is pretty quick....any help would be appreatiatd!.
yup thats him!, wow i feel special to have him now

just a quick question though, how big will he get?, and is he safe in a tank with mollies and shrimp, or would he go better in a tank with bigger mollies ( he's currently in my young mollie fry tank), with 5-6" featherfin catfish and two ADF's
Botia morleti, formerly Botia horae

Length: Up to 4in (10cm)
Diet: Worms, crustaceans, insects, plant matter,and dried food
Water temperature: 79-86 F (26-30 C)
Species Tank environment

A word of warning, from an owner (me)

these are the most aggressive of all the loaches I own, they are fast and nip the fins of every other fish, if they can.
provide plenty of objects for them to explore and hid in and you will reduce the nipping to a minimum. Additionaly they are gregariouse and like their own company, so one or two mates for the one you have is a good idea.
ummmm interesting to know, 4" is just a wee bit small than one of my cats now....ummmm i wonder???? *thinks to herself*

thanks for all the help wolf, judying by the list of bits in pieces youve put there he would be better going in my bigger tank ;)
Like clowns skunks grow slow so, and they it is rare that they will get to be 4in. 3in is probabaly more realistic.

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