Fish idea 7 gallon walstead


New Member
Nov 5, 2021
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new york

I have a fully established walstead tank with a large blue shrimp population. It’s 7 gallons with just a heater and a light, and good water parameters. I turn on a bubbler from time to time to get the water moving. I would like to add maybe a solo fish or small trio or pair. Other than a betta, does anyone have ideas of what may enjoy this tank? I’m not entirely opposed to a betta, but for me I would like something that doesn’t pose too much of a threat to adult shrimp, as I’ve had a betta snap and kill two amanos out of the blue. I understand my choices are limited with such a small tank, but i’m open to suggestions. Thank you!! :)
The first question is - do you have hard or soft water? If you are on mains water, your water provider's website should give your hardness.
I have new york city water. I believe it’s on the harder side

I would check this, have a look at the website of the water authority, or call them. I recall from older threads that NY City is quite soft water. This will make a big difference here, as nano fish will be more exacting of parameters. Get the actual number, not vague subjective terms like soft or hard. The number in ppm (mg/l) or dH will be certain.

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