Fish Id


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Settle, North Yorkshire, UK

Not surewhether this has worked. Picture for ID - see message in forums for tetras etc.
Red Phantom Tetra Megalamphodus sweglesi
Thanks folks. Not the best picture, I admit, but the others were worse and I was trying to keep the file size small! I have several of the rasboras that you mention and it is definitely not one of those, so unless anyone else has different ideas I shall go with the Red Phantom Tetra.
I was half a mind to say yellow phantom but given that they hardly
show up in the trade I went for the more obvious one
having had more time to view it, yellow phantom does seem to fit better
The fellow turned up with some Pistrellas. Seems to be happening to me at the moment, one my Emperor tetras turned out not to be an Emperor either. The problem now is I have two fish in the tank who have no-one the same as them to shoal with. :sad:

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