But im not thinking so... got this fish to add to my silver dollars, it didnt look like any other silver dollar in the tank, it was pretty much the oddball... I know there are different types of silver dollars, I just need your guys opinions... to me it looks like a black skirt tetra, cept it doesnt so much have noticeable black stripes on the body. Im also adding a picture of another one of my true silver dollars for difference. This one hasnt grown much, seems to be thicker bodied and is probably half the size if not alittle smaller than my other silver dollars. Let me know what you think. Thanks (Sorry about the flash)
Here is a pic of this unknown fish behind a silver dollar, alittle further back so it makes him look alot smaller.
Here is a pic of this unknown fish behind a silver dollar, alittle further back so it makes him look alot smaller.