Fish Id?


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Alabama, USA (ohmigosherz)
Well, today I was at a restraunt that has a nice ~70g SW tank and was looking at one of the fish wondering "what IS that?" As far as I know, there was only one, and it was some kind of filter feeder. It was about 4-5in long with a white body and yellow spots, with possibly a bit of red (can't remember Dx). My mom and grandparents were like "You've GOT to find out what that is! It's so cool!" So I came to ask. Sorry I don't have a pic :( It was housed with about 6 clown fish, a really cool looking shrimp, a good amount of hermit crabs and some kind of star fish, if that could possibly help any.

Also, sorry if this isn't enough info.

Thanks :)
humm, gonna be tough without a pic. What was its behavior like? First thing that comes to mind for me is a diamond goby... Try googling that :)
I thought it was one of those too by looking at your signature, but I would be wary of purchasing a sand-sifting goby as they seem very difficult to keep. I know that I had no luck with the ones I have kept :S


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