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Fish Crazy
Aug 17, 2005
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I was talking to my dad and he was trying to describe a fish to me over the phone that he put in his 75 gallon tank. It has a red stripe down its body and is not a glowlight. does anyone have any suggestions as to what it is.
Thanks :D
barbus dennisoni?

although without knowing more about the fish,
like shape size etc it would be near imposible to guess
That description certainly is a bit brief! B. denisoni is very popular at the moment, and there are a lot around, so is a definite possibility. These are a large growing species, (125-150mm), which should be kept in group of 4-5 fish or more. A hint might be the price, they are quite expensive, typically £10-£15 each.

Another common fish that looks like a Glowlight but is longer, more slender and very nice is Rasbora pauciperforata, the "Glowlight Rasbora". There are a lot of those around as well at the moment, here at least. Another fish that shouyld be kept in groups, but doesn't grow more then say 70mm.

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