Fish Id Please.


Mar 26, 2011
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Bolton (UK)
I was out shopping for CUC today and a fish caught my eye and was wondering if somebody could ID it for me please :) knowing my luck it will grow about 6 foot long and i wont be able to have it in my tank.

Here is a short video .. its the yellow fish with blue markings.

Click For Video
Don't know that one. Looks like a tang of some sort but I'm probably wrong. Beautiful fish though!
Defo not a Tang its an angel hard to say as Angels tend to change colours as they mature I would guess at a blue face though or a Queen
I was just looking at the Queen which has a similar patch on head which is dark blue with a light blue surround, but all the pics of Queens seem to have a blue border to the fins. I would definitely agree with it being an angel so definitely too big for your tank I'm afraid Chris.
I was just looking at the Queen which has a similar patch on head which is dark blue with a light blue surround, but all the pics of Queens seem to have a blue border to the fins. I would definitely agree with it being an angel so definitely too big for your tank I'm afraid Chris.
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
This is definitely a juvenile Queen Angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris). I see them around the nearby coral reefs, they are a local species. This specific one may be a recent arrival due to its dull center coloration or its the yellow phase. I would not recommend this species for reef setups. They tend to nip at their surrounding areas which will include the corals and extremely curious fish. I'm assuming this particular one is eating aquarium food/vegetable matter, but I would strongly advise special angelfish food which contains marine sponge. They are one of the larger Angelfish species, approaching 18-20 inches. Also, these fish become aggressive with age, even if they act as cleaner fish when they are juveniles. Their appearance will change as they enter adulthood. Please, feel free to ask more questions if needed.

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