Fish Id Please


Oct 8, 2009
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Can anyone identify this spiny eel for me please, is this a half banded spiny eel, Macrognathus Circumcintus? Just wanna make sure it doesn't get too big and start eating my smaller fish. Thnx.

it is indeed a half banded spiny eel (Macrognathus circumcinctus) will get to around 8 inch's in length, provided with the right diet, once acclimatised are a very hardy fish, as it matures its dark coloured bottom half will split up into different segments (bands) hence the name. will eat fish up to 2" given the chance so only keep with fish above this size.
how big is your tank?
what is the other stocking?
and just out of curiosity, how big is the fish at the moment?
how much do they cost over there? relatively cheap here my lfs has them in at £3.50!
very underrated fish in my opinion, very nice!

Thnx a lot for the confirmation Dave n Nelly.

It's in a 50g right now 48 X 12 X 19 with 2 inch female bettas (they're pretty fat), balloon mollies, swordtail, BN pleco, kuhli loaches, 3 catfishes ( syno multipunctatus X featherfin hybrid ), and SA Bumblebee catfish
My eel is only 3 1/2 inches at the moment and my bettas are twice as thick as him/her right now.

I don't think it can swallow my balloon mollies, I dont think its possible :)
Is there any of the eels tankmates that I have to move to my 20g?

I had the Eel for almost two weeks now and they seem to be all getting along well, its very active during the day than nighttime I was able to hand feed it on its 1st day with frozen bloodworms. Does that mean its pretty much acclimated already? And they sell them here for $13 canadian dollars.

Here's my tank btw, Im not done with it yet tho, still need wood, plant n more sand.
hi your tanks looks good, its good you have sand, the eels prefer the sand. its good its feeding already, they are well known to be fussy eaters at first.
erm your bettas may be fine but in a few months when the eel grows and gets more confident im pretty sure kuhli loach's would easily be a meal for the eel.
it will take some time for the eel to become properly acclimatised but once it is they are great fish.
hi your tanks looks good, its good you have sand, the eels prefer the sand. its good its feeding already, they are well known to be fussy eaters at first.
erm your bettas may be fine but in a few months when the eel grows and gets more confident im pretty sure kuhli loach's would easily be a meal for the eel.
it will take some time for the eel to become properly acclimatised but once it is they are great fish.

hey thanks, is that your tank on your avatar? If it is, it looks really nice. I just recently switched to sand and my bottom dwellers are liking the change. It still is fussy though, only eats frozen bloodworms and brineshrimp.
I'll keep an eye on my eel as it grows, might have to transfer my loaches to my 20g, I see them chilling under the plants together tho sometimes.
Im really loving this eel, one of my favourites, very active during the day, very sociable and it swims really nice, thnx for all the help :D
yeah thats my 1000 litre tank, far from finished though!
you will find it will only ever eat frozen or live foods, in most cases they will never take dried foods, especially with them being a smaller member of the species.
yeah the loach's may be fine for a while, they may even be fine forever, depends on the actual temperament of the eel, every fish is different!
my fire eel is very chilled its about 10" at the moment but will get to about 36", it loves bloodworm, krill, and whole prawns, but not interested in dried foods, it doesn't really matter to me as all my fish get frozen foods everyday, so i will always have it anyway!
most bottom dwellers like sand, so that was a good move.
good luck with all the fish!

Thnx. Hopefully they get along forever, maybe them growing together might help. And yes I noticed it won't eat dried foods.Im gonna try the krill and prawns too.

Fire Eels are nice and they get really big, should be happy in your 1000 litres though :D Your tank looks really nice so far, lemme know when you're done decorating it should be nice to see. I think Im done with mine, might add a few plants later but its pretty much done.


hi, your tank looks good, the eel should like it with all the hiding spaces!
this is my tank pretty much how it is now,

not going to get any prettier im afraid, all the intended stock are going to be big fish, got 3 rays coming in he 1st week of december, and following that will be tigerfish, arowana, maybe a big plec (hypostomus luteus) and maybe a select few more fish hopefully including a spotted gar!
if i put any more decorations in they would be dismantled or eaten!

good luck with the fish, hope all goes well!!

Thanx. Glad to hear that my Spiny Eel would like it, he/she doesn't hide much but when it does its usually on that tall plant on the right side.

Your tank looks really nice, I like the natural look in tanks :D You have some cool fish coming, its sweet to have rays and you're even getting three :) Nice stocking plan, should be a great big fish tank.

Good luck on the fish! Hope everything goes well with yours too.

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