Fish Id - Blue Eyed Rasbora?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
I bought a male betta from my LFS today, the owner accidentally scooped a couple of his tank mates at the same time and said I could have them as freebies if I wanted them. They were listed as Blue Eyed Rasboras, a couple of google searches later I found out this is a common name for a type of killifish called Norman's Lampeye. Lampeye Pics

This definately isn't the fish I have though, mine have the same type of fin and tail shape as tetras and rasboras. They're about half an inch long and their bodies are transparent with a slight blue/grey tinge. When the light catches them there's a neon blue band running along the centre of the back half of each side and the dorsal and tail fins have silvery white tips. I don't have any pics unfortunately, my digital camera's died.

Any ideas?
Does it look like this?

Yep that's it, the fish in the pic isn't transparent but then mine are only babies, otherwise the markings and body/fin shape match :)

Do you know if they turn into fin nippers as they get older? The ones in the shop were all happily ignoring the Betta.
hmm... the fish there was a blue king tetra, at least that's what the website said. But I'm really not sure. I did a google search and that fish didn't come up ???? Sorry I couldn't help you much there.
the description seems to fit
Rasbora dorsiocellatus Emerald-eye Rasbora :good:
the description seems to fit
Rasbora dorsiocellatus Emerald-eye Rasbora :good:

Hmm possibly, I've found a few pics of the Emeral Eye, but my two definately look more like the Blue King Tetra posted earlier. I have space in my tank to get a few more to form a school but I'm concerned they may get nippy with the Betta as they get bigger.
One of my lfs's regularly has lampeye's in, and endlers in the same tank, both suitably tiny. So given the comment name lampeyes, are they a type of caracin, they look very tetra like to me.

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