Fish Id And Advice Please


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
I have never kept cichlids, but am looking for something nice and interesting to stock my final tank, a 10 gallon which is heavily planted. Im looking to get away from the more common fish species and get something a little more interesting.

Obviously i wouldnt buy a fish without researching first but whilst at the LFS i was pointed in the direction of dwarf chiclids, and in particular the german blue ram and a second dwarf ram, which was small and labelled as a 'balloon ram', it was shorter than the average ram and has a goldish sheen to it. I was hoping i would be able to house either of these due to their tiny size but cant seem to find alot about them! The guy at the LFS said they would be fine with other fish and in smaller tanks but i wanted to research first.

I was just wondering if anyone had some advice for me with regards to keeping dwarf cichlids, if i have the space and if anybody has some recomendations i would be grateful

laura :rolleyes:
Rams ideally need a 20g tank, so IMO then Im afraid you shouldnt keep one in a 10g tank, even singularly, although Im sure people do.
Rams are peaceful and can be kept with other species of fish such as tetras, but in a 10 gallon you would be stretching it a bit I think. You could try to get hold of the beautiful species Taeniacara Candidi and keep two of these guys. But dwarf cichlids are the way to go in a smaller tank.
I have never kept cichlids, but am looking for something nice and interesting to stock my final tank, a 10 gallon which is heavily planted. Im looking to get away from the more common fish species and get something a little more interesting.

Obviously i wouldnt buy a fish without researching first but whilst at the LFS i was pointed in the direction of dwarf chiclids, and in particular the german blue ram and a second dwarf ram, which was small and labelled as a 'balloon ram', it was shorter than the average ram and has a goldish sheen to it. I was hoping i would be able to house either of these due to their tiny size but cant seem to find alot about them! The guy at the LFS said they would be fine with other fish and in smaller tanks but i wanted to research first.

I was just wondering if anyone had some advice for me with regards to keeping dwarf cichlids, if i have the space and if anybody has some recomendations i would be grateful

laura :rolleyes:

a couple of rams will do just fine, go for a good filtration system though.
Not in a 10 gallon tank though unless it is specifically for breeding. I would keep 2-3 in a 20 gallon but not in a 10. This is just my opinion though.
Thanks for both of your opinions, the tank is well filtered although not established.

Is there a particular reason they need a 20 gallon, are they aggressive or just need extra space compared to other fish?

I am taking into account your opinions to find the right fish for my tank, just interested ^_^
Size, bio-load, territories. They dont reach a large size, just maxing out at 3 inches, but cichlids like space and need room to establish territories and a 10 gallon just doesnt suffice.
Size, bio-load, territories. They dont reach a large size, just maxing out at 3 inches, but cichlids like space and need room to establish territories and a 10 gallon just doesnt suffice.

ah right thanks for clearing that up, ive only ever kept more common fish and im finding this quite different and im realising its hard to find a nice fish that can live happily in this size tank :rolleyes:
Will start looking at something else then :X
Size, bio-load, territories. They dont reach a large size, just maxing out at 3 inches, but cichlids like space and need room to establish territories and a 10 gallon just doesnt suffice.

Its also about stability, a 20G allows for a much more stable environment than compared to a 10G setup,
Rams are a sensitive species and without that stability they will struggle to thrive,
Size, bio-load, territories. They dont reach a large size, just maxing out at 3 inches, but cichlids like space and need room to establish territories and a 10 gallon just doesnt suffice.

Its also about stability, a 20G allows for a much more stable environment than compared to a 10G setup,
Rams are a sensitive species and without that stability they will struggle to thrive,

Thanks for that davo86, the more ive researched the more im looking into something else, id rather not risk the rams if they wont be suitable and might not last very long.
Back to the drawing board :good:
Apistogrammas would be fine in a 10G tank as they don't get as big as the Rams.
ah right thanks for clearing that up, ive only ever kept more common fish and im finding this quite different and im realising its hard to find a nice fish that can live happily in this size tank

I've got a 3ft tank, and I'm having the same problem.... I thinkit's just something we're going to have to get used to. :(

Curse these New World Cichlids and their attractive colourings!

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