I'm by no means an expert, whether it's the exact Gastromyzon i mentioned is debatable, i do know enough to know it is a Gastromyzon of some type. The link I've given comes from loaches.com & they are experts so maybe show the photos on their forum, for a definite i'd. I think the fish shown above are juvenile compared to the adult specimens pictured in the link & this would account for a slight difference in appearance.
As mentioned there are many species of hillstream loaches, a lot do prefer lower temperatures, but there are those that are tropical, the only constant is their need for good filtration, a strong current & a well oxygenated mature tank.
By specialized tank do you mean a river tank? if so then this a tank where the current flows in one direction (easily achieved by installing an filter with a strong out put in a tank 3 foot plus. Some provide the the extra current using power heads built into a manifold.
I've been keeping hillstreams for about a year now & have recently brought some more so i have three different types, their great fish very entertaining.