Fish House In The Making


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2007
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hi just thought id share this with those that might be intrested

the start of things to come


the cladding on

you will after excuse the state of the garden as im not the tidest builder
a side shot

the inside


the stands

tanks on left hand side in place and waitin to be filled

some of the breeding tanks

the sumps


the sump pump (central heating pump)

the air supply (powered by a small compressor connected to 40mm waste pipe)
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

looks amazin - wish i had a space outside like that.

what fish are u gonna have - r u gonna breed any???


Looks great, I eventually want to setup a fish house, sothis could be useful. What are you planning to keep/breed?
How are you planning to heat the tanks? The whole room or individually? How are you going abou filtration? Is each tank going to be individually filtered or via a large sump?

Sorry for all the questions.

:shout: OUTSTANDING! :shout:

REAL 'boys stuff'

Guess you are into fish then? :hey:

BTW love the lampshade, but it does looks like a mastic gun :rofl:
i am heating the room with a space heater. the tanks will all have heaters in as backups. filtration is by a sump also with heater in.( but upto now space heater seems to be doing the job smashing) but 7 off the tank on the left and right have built in filters.(i will get a pic off them and post it)
what im planning on keeping and breeding is angels, bristlenoses, corys, discus, these are the fish im in to most (but will no doubt try anything else that take my fancy
and im getting some axolotls tomorrow so gonna have a go at breeding them too.
it almost complete now so shouldnt be to long now. just got tanks on right to setup and plumb in the water storage to put in roof space and the drains to finish.
Sounds good :)

Axolotls should be an excitiong breeding project, good luck.

Wow this is awesome! I wish I had the time/space to create a beatiful fish room like that... It will come someday soon! Keep us updated with pictures of everything!
How is the space heater on using electric?

I'm in the process of building my fish house and will be moving the fish from the fishroom where they are now into the new building when it is finished but i am very worried about heating costs. At the moment i use a 2000 watt oil filled electric radiator but the new fish house is 1/3rd bigger than the current room at around 2200 cubic feet so will require a bit more heat, the running costs of my fishroom are already around £80 a month (less in summer) so if anything i want to get that figure down so any ideas on heating would be great.

I notice you have used the wool type insulation in the cavities, are you not worried about damp waterlogging the wool and reducing its effectiveness? I was advised to use foil backed expaned polyurathane (spelling?) sheeting such as kingspan or celotex but at around £20 a sheet this is going to be a major cost and is taking a large bite from the budget. If the wool insulation is going to do just as good a job then i'd sooner use the money towards something else in the room.

Great fish house, i only hope mine comes out looking as good.
This is probably a dumb question, but how does all the plumbing work ?

I understand the sump theory but how do the tanks interconnect
yes i have used rock wool on all the sides. thats the reason ive done the inside with pvc all joints have been sealed with silicone. but i put king span in the roof. as for the space heater it seems ok at moment but not had a bill in yet.

regards the plumbin. i will try get some pics in more detail for you
yes i have used rock wool on all the sides. thats the reason ive done the inside with pvc all joints have been sealed with silicone. but i put king span in the roof. as for the space heater it seems ok at moment but not had a bill in yet.

regards the plumbin. i will try get some pics in more detail for you

I look forward to it, thanks

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