Fish House Breeding Setup Complete Just Add Water


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
plymouth, uk
I am also selling my fish house setup which consists of the following,

2x2 racking which houses 6 24x15x15 mirrired back tanks all complete with under gravel filters which is run from a large piston air pump, gravel, and heaters. There is also a double light starter unit which starts the 2 60" tubes above the tanks.

1 48x18x18 tank complete with under gravel filters a piston driven air pump, and heater, gravel.

i will also include a large bucket of food all the water treatments, disease treatments discus wormer and anythingelse i can lay my hands on as i am giving up totally, if required ican also supply this setup with all the current stock, which is a variety of community fish some breeding pairs but in total around 100 fish.

oh there is also the decorations, ie bogwood plant pots etc.

for the set minus fish i am asking £200, to include fish i am asking £350.
any chance you could list fish and any plecs ?...tx

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