Fish Hiding Behind Fliter


New Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Hello all,

I have a few silver dollars and a ghost knife that seem to like hiding near the power head.

Is it because they are sick or just scared? There are other spots in the tank for them to hide they just don't seem to want to.

Im worried there is a issue with the water but all the tests that i do seem to say everything is ok.

Is this normal?

Cheers :unsure:
I think it is normal if they are eating right and ocassionally swimming about. i have a 3 inch blue gourami, he is the largest of the tank and he stays behind a plant most of the time. I think he is scard but really has no reason to be as he is the biggest one :) I am giving mine time to adjust. How long have you had the fish?

Hello all,

I have a few silver dollars and a ghost knife that seem to like hiding near the power head.

Is it because they are sick or just scared? There are other spots in the tank for them to hide they just don't seem to want to.

Im worried there is a issue with the water but all the tests that i do seem to say everything is ok.

Is this normal?

Cheers :unsure:
One of my blue gori's goes behind my int. filter i think it's because its a dead spot for water movment so she gets a rest......... I think..........??
we have three silver dollars, and they are really shy also.. they spend most of thier time hiding behind the bogwood.. i think it is just coz these fish are shy.

as for the black ghost (i want one of these fish .. so cool) they are nocturnal, and they are blind, so if your tnak is really well lit, they may be trying to get away from the light!

as jolaf said, if they are eating then i doubt you have anything to worry about!! :)
oops.. i was supposed to mention that.. we are planning on getting some more when we upgrade our tank.. or at least move to a house (with solid floors) and are able to set up our 170 gal!! :D

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