Fish Hiding At Back Behind Plants


New Member
Dec 28, 2006
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Got my planted tank up and running a while now, fully cycled.
Anyway my question is why are the fish all hiding at the back behind all the plants. There is 4 clown loch and 12 cardinals. They hide so much is really doesn't look like there are any fish in there. They've been in there about a month now.
Probably just where they're happiest is all, or your Clown Loaches are huge and the Cardinals are scared of them.
I too was having a problem with my fish hiding. I keep boraras urophthalmoides or exclamation point rasboras, they are really tiny and really shy. I've had them for a few weeks now and they are very skittish. I assume the cardinals are skittish as well and are probably fairly new to the tank? I wouldn't worry about it too much, they will prolly become more accepting of their environment in due time, and then will swim about. the rasboras for me have started swimming whenever they cant see me and stuff.

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