Fish Help.


New Member
Nov 3, 2008
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Hello.. i've just brought a 4ft tank. it comes with a plec, very large angel fish a a crayfish.
I haven't picked it up yet.

Just wonder... i have NO idea about a crayfish... :unsure: Could someone help, i would like to keep it, but wanting to know a little more information about them. What they like,dislike.. do they like places to hide, what do they eat.

If anyone could help be great


And sorry is this is posted in wrong place. wasn't sure where to put it
There are many different types of crayfish so could you provide a photo? Generally crayfish will happily eat fish food and a few even like cucumber. Also they may eat small fish.
shrimp pellets im guessing and im also not sure how big it is but the angelffish could make a meal out of it. they are called angel fish but they aint no angels
Individual angelfish vary in temperament but if the crayfish is of a reasonable size it should be able to defend itself from the angel.

Thats a picture of the cray... well only one i can get.

And im told the angel is pretty big.
It is most likely the Blue crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus), an Australian species which can easily top 20cm/8". Believe it or not this is the only species of freshwater crayfish that you can keep legally in the UK.
well least i'm still legal then :lol:

Thank you for the information

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