Fish Gone Bad


New Member
Apr 14, 2004
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I am a Newbie , I bought a Regent Aqua tech 5 - 5 gallon tank , I lost 5 (4 Shumkin 1 goldfish)already. I am doing everything by the book.The tank is clear
and clean . the Filter system seems to work OK - it should Tanks 3 weeks old.
Do i need something to put bubbles in the water, I just dont know !!
I have Two fish Left , help me save them !!!
Any advise ???

Please read this post here:

It's very, very good advice, particularly the section titled: How to Save the Day (and the Fish) with an Un-Cycled Tank

If you have more questions about your tank and how to help it to live and thrive, just post in the Beginner's Forum. I think you'll find lots of us there more than happy to help out!

And welcome to the forum! :thumbs:
Thanks for the info -- My welfare friends need it>>>
Is there a good Test kit to buy ?(chk ammonia Etc..)

Thanks for your help !!!!!
If you go to your fish shop and ask for kits they will tell you what they have. I can't recommend a particular make as you don't say where you are, not even which continent your on.

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