Fish "Gasping"


New Member
Sep 16, 2003
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I've got a Rio 240 which has been set-up now for several months. It is heavily planted and has the original filtration.
Over the last few days, most of my fish (Tetras,Corys,Platies etc) appear to be "gasping" i.e. "breating very quickly. Looks like lack of Oxygen.

The temperature is OK, but i haven't tested the water cos i don't know what to test for. Any suggestions would be appreciated
Hi larryb,

First of all I would definitely recommend you get yourself a tester kit for at least ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Doing this was the best thing I ever did and it really helped to reassure me whenever I thought my fish were having problems. The one I have involves filling up test tubes with water and adding drops of different chemicals - not sure what it's called though. It sounds quite complicated but it's really good fun and makes me feel like a proper mad scientist! :lol:

Secondly, how often do you carry out water changes?

Thirdly, do you have any aeration in the tank? Anything that's producing bubbles will help to increase the amount of oxygen in the tank.

Fourth, are the fish hanging near the top as well? This is also a sign of lack of oxygen as I think the levels are higher near the surface.

Erm, that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure someone else will have many more useful suggestions! :thumbs:
Thanks. I'll test the water and see what it says, but the fish are not "hanging" near the surface, and it's not overstocked. i might try an air pump though or maybe a Venturi kit?
I do water changes once a week. (10%)
I agree with platypus get some test kits start with ammonia, nitrite I will assum your nitrate is been kept low be the plants - however recommend a nitrate test kit too.

I would do a 20-30% water change now, to help dilute any high levels of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. you will see an almost instant change in the fish. if this is the problem. I would increase your waterchange from 10 to 20 and double it two twice a week if the gasping returns

Thirdly, do you have any aeration in the tank? Anything that's producing bubbles will help to increase the amount of oxygen in the tank.

platypus is correct however this process can take some time, so see this as a long term fix not a short term solution.
Absolutely ammonia, nitrites cause many of our deadly diseases. These are really important test kits needed

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